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  • Expert teachers

    Experienced and dedicated teachers team will help your child develop more in all aspects.

  • Quality Education

    Our qualified & trained teachers emphasize on holistic development

  • Social Schemes

    These activities help the students be more aware of their surrounding and grow fearlessly

  • Counsellors

    Assists at all levels, listen to students & parents concerns.


New Days New Ways

In times like these, our top priority remains the well-being of all. We have established some new precautions to ensure safety. Students arrival is set to start from 8:00 am with no parents allowed in the building. Students must be seated 1.5m apart and have their own desks. Masks must be worn at all times, hands must be washed regularly and proper sanitization of resources must be ensured. Zoom remain to be our secondary Learning Platform. All lessons will be planned and shared here with the number of workbooks reduced per student.


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